set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "14"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #45:temp0] set VideoList = [] @ DUCKLINGS WITH PINEAPPLE Ask your butcher to truss the ducklings as if you wanted to roast them, removing the popeÕs nose and keeping the giblets aside. Put the sliced vegetables, the bouquet garni, the giblets and 1/2 glass of water into an ovenproof dish. Brush the ducklings with a tablespoon of butter, salt and pepper inside, place on a rack which you put over the ovenproof dish. Bake in an oven which was preheated for 15 minutes (350F to 400F). Roast, sprinkling from time to time until brown and medium: neither rare, nor well done (about 30 minutes). Cut into 4, keep the pieces warm. While they cook, heat (without boiling) the content of the pineapple can with the juice of 1/2 lemon and the rum. Pour the liquid onto the vegetables in the baking dish, sieve. Keep the pineapple slices warm with a tablespoon of butter. Make a caramel with the sugar and the vinegar in a saucepan, moisten with the sieved juice and the cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. Boil, adjust the seasoning which should be quite strong. Remove from the heat, add a tablespoon of butter, whisk to melt it. Pour onto the pieces of duck. Decorate the dish with the hot pineapple slices. @ 2 ducklings, weighing 2 lbs each 1/2 can pineapple 1/2 glass rum 1 lemon 2 carrots 2 onions 2 sticks celery 1 bouquet garni 3 1/2 oz butter 2 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp vinegar 1 tsp cornstarch salt, pepper @ 15 mn @ 30 mn @ We recommend you serve a dry Saumur Rosˇ with this dish. @ Ile-de-France @ Poultry, Game @ @ Saumur @